Saturday, December 7, 2013

My favorite AdvoCare products

I just became an AdvoCare distributor. I am very excited about this. I think these products can do so much to help people. I don't want my blog to become one big Advocare advertisement but I want to share with people what has worked for me.  As I try different products, I will share my reviews.

First, I am going to share my favorite three items.

1. Catalyst
I love this product.  It has become my can't live without product.  I wish I knew about this product while I was losing weight.  What this does is helps preserve lean muscle mass while losing weight and exercising.  It will make you look more defined.  The best part, people are commenting on how great my arms and shoulders are looking.  I owe it all to Catalyst!

2.  Spark
Spark is an energy drink.  It is subtle energy for me though.  I know it's working but it doesn't give me the jitters at all.  I can get through an intense workout and still have energy when I leave.  It is loaded with vitamins, sugar free, and only 45 calories.  It comes in many different flavors.  I have only tried the orange and grape.  I really like both but I think if I had to pick one as my favorite, I would go with orange.  I'm planning on trying fruit punch next.

3.  MNS vitamin packs
These are packets of vitamins that you take throughout the day that give you your core nutrition like fish oils plus extras.  The extras are either energy, appetite control, or max 3 which is a little bit of both of the previous two.

I have tried the Max 3.  I will say I hate taking vitamins and these are a lot of vitamins to take but I cannot believe how good I feel when I take them.  I didn't realize I felt bad before.  I stopped taking them for a little bit and just recently started again.  I will not go without these again.  I have a sense of calmness when I am on them.  I am just more relaxed overall.  I actually enjoy my kids in the morning instead of being so stressed out with our morning routine and making sure I get them to school on time.  These are just feel good vitamins.  The max 3 has a little bit of an appetite suppressant and gives some energy.

I am going to try the MNS C next, which is the one for appetite control.  I just want to see how I feel on these so I can refer them to others.  My plan is to switch between the C and the 3 because my body can adapt to things very quickly.

If anyone is interested in learning more about these products, please visit my website at

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